• Concerns

  • Procedures

UltraClear Full Face

Procedure: UltraClear # of Treatments: 1 Timing of After Photo: 3.5 months Improvements: fine lines/wrinkles around mouth, brown spots…

UltraClear to Eyes

Diagnosis: syringomas  (benign growths due to overactive sweat glands) Procedure: UltraClear Location: around eyes & temples # of Treatments: 1 Timing of After Photo: 3 months out…

UltraClear to Stretch Marks

Complaint: stretch marks Procedure: UltraClear Location: axilla (armpit) # of Treatments: 1 Timing of After Photo: 3 months out…

KTP to Cherry Angioma

Diagnosis: cherry angioma (benign growth made up of dilated capillaries) Procedure: 1 KTP laser treatment After photo: taken just a few weeks after treatment…

Lip Filler

Product used: Juvederm XC filler…


Description: IPL laser used to treat browns After Photo: taken 2 months after the patient’s 3rd treatment…

UltraClear to Syringomas

Diagnosis: Syringomas (benign growths due to overactive sweat glands) Procedure: UltraClear laser resurfacing After Photo: taken 8 days post procedure. We see significant improvement…

UltraClear Laser with Coring

Description: Laser coring to neck and lower face, ultra clear to neck and full face, clear to feather edges on neck….

Mohs on Central Malar Cheek

Diagnosis: Lentigo Maligna Procedure: Mohs with After Photo: 5 months out…

Mohs on Right Lateral Inferior Eyelid

Diagnosis: Infiltrative Basal Cell Carcinoma Procedure: Mohs with Flap Repair After Photo: taken just under 5 months out from procedure…

Mohs Hand Island Pedicle Flap Repair

Diagnosis: Well Differentiated Squamous Cell Carcinoma Procedures: Mohs with Island Pedicle Flap Repair After Photo: about 6 months out…

Bilobed Flap Repair

Diagnosis: Basal Cell Carcinoma, Nose Procedure: Mohs Surgery with Bilobed Flap Repair Description:This lateral nasal tip location is difficult because many reconstructive surgeries can leave…

Brachytherapy on the Nose

Diagnosis: Basal Cell Carcinoma, Nose Procedure: Brachytherapy Description: The patient had let their basal cell carcinoma grow for quite a long time (image 1). She…

Ultherapy on the Lower Face and Full Neck

Issue: Skin Laxity Procedure: Ultherapy Description: The patient wanted to reduce the appearance of her jawline laxity, jowels in the face and neck area, but…

Mohs on the Right Nasal Tip with Reconstruction

Diagnosis: Basal Cell Carcinoma Procedures: Mohs, Bilobed Flap Nose Reconstruction Description: This patient presented with a destructive basal cell carcinoma skin cancer on her…
Brachytherapy on the Ear

Brachytherapy on the Ear

Diagnosis: Basal Cell Carcinoma Procedure: Brachytherapy Description: This patient was referred for a basal cell carcinoma of the right ear, external auditory canal, and conchal…

Mohs Cheek Interpolation Flap on the Nose

Diagnosis: Basal Cell Carcinoma Procedures: Mohs, Cheek Interpolation Flap, Interpolation Take-Down Division and Inset Description: The patient presented with a nasal tip basal cell carcinoma…
Vertical Vector Face and Neck Lift

Vertical Vector Face and Neck Lift

Issue: Sagging Skin Procedure: Vertical Vector Face & Neck Lift, Liposuction, Submentoplasty, Fillers Description: This patient presented with concerns about her worsening jowels and neckline….
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