Mohs Cheek Interpolation Flap on the Nose

Case Details

Diagnosis: Basal Cell Carcinoma

Procedures: Mohs, Cheek Interpolation Flap, Interpolation Take-Down Division and Inset

Description: The patient presented with a nasal tip basal cell carcinoma with infiltrative roots and she was very concerned (image 1). Dr. Swann performed 3 layers of Mohs surgery and examined the margins under the microscope to verify all the roots were removed (image 2). Because the roots were quite deep, a simple skin graft would have left the patient with a more obvious surgical scar, so Dr. Swann performed a 2-stage cheek-to-nose interpolation flap where the cheek skin was sutured to the nose for 3 weeks before the take-down division and inset. This allows a more robust tissue replacement and overall matches very well. The patient was very satisfied with the end result after the interpolation flap was divided and inset (image 3).

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