Brachytherapy on the Nose
Diagnosis: Basal Cell Carcinoma, Nose Procedure: Brachytherapy Description: The patient had let their basal cell carcinoma grow for quite a long time (image 1). She…
- Nose
Mohs on the Right Nasal Tip with Reconstruction
Diagnosis: Basal Cell Carcinoma Procedures: Mohs, Bilobed Flap Nose Reconstruction Description: This patient presented with a destructive basal cell carcinoma skin cancer on her…
- Nose
Brachytherapy on the Ear
Diagnosis: Basal Cell Carcinoma Procedure: Brachytherapy Description: This patient was referred for a basal cell carcinoma of the right ear, external auditory canal, and conchal…
- Ear
Mohs Cheek Interpolation Flap on the Nose
Diagnosis: Basal Cell Carcinoma Procedures: Mohs, Cheek Interpolation Flap, Interpolation Take-Down Division and Inset Description: The patient presented with a nasal tip basal cell carcinoma…
- Nose
Mohs on the Temple with Reconstruction
Diagnosis: Lentigo Maligna / Melanoma in situ Procedures: Mohs, Mohs Reconstruction Description: The patient had a large melanoma in situ on his right temple…
- Temple
Brachytherapy on the Nose
Diagnosis: Squamous Cell Carcinoma Procedure: Brachytherapy Description: This frail patient presented with a neglected superficial squamous cell carcinoma on her nasal dip, dorsal, and…
- Nose
Brachytherapy on the Eyelid
Diagnosis: Basal Cell Carcinoma, Eyelid Procedure: Electronic Brachytherapy Description: This patient presented with a basal cell carcinoma of the medial lower eyelid (image 1). The nasolacrimal…
- Eyelid